alexandria_encoding 0.5.0

Encoding utilities




Base64 is a binary-to-text encoding scheme used for transferring binary data safely over media designed for text. It divides input data into 3-byte blocks, each converted into 4 ASCII characters using a specific index table. If input bytes aren't divisible by three, it's padded with '=' characters. The process is reversed for decoding.

Solidity ABI

sol_abi is a wrapper around alexandria_bytes::Bytes providing easy to use interfaces to mimic Solidity's abi functions.


  1. Encode and EncodePacked

Solidity's abi.encode calls go from :

uint8 v1 = 0x1a;
uint128 v2 = 0x101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f;
bool v3 = true;
address v4 = 0xDeaDbeefdEAdbeefdEadbEEFdeadbeEFdEaDbeeF;
bytes7 v5 = 0x000a0b0c0d0e0f;

abi.encode(v1, v2, v3, v4, v5);

to the Cairo equivalent :

use alexandria_bytes::{Bytes, BytesTrait};
use alexandria_encoding::sol_abi::{SolBytesTrait, SolAbiEncodeTrait};
use starknet::{ContractAddress, eth_address::U256IntoEthAddress, EthAddress};

fn main() {
    let eth_address: EthAddress = 0xDeaDbeefdEAdbeefdEadbEEFdeadbeEFdEaDbeeF_u256.into();
    let mut encoded: Bytes = BytesTrait::new_empty();
    encoded = encoded

Which will properly pad individual types according to Solidity's spec. A similar interface is also supported for abi.encodePacked with the Cairo encode_packed.

  1. Decode

Solidity's abi.decode calls go from :

bytes memory encoded = ...
(uint8 o1, uint128 o2, bool o3, address o4, bytes7 o5) = abi.decode(encoded, (uint8, uint128, bool, address, bytes7));

to the Cairo equivalent :

use alexandria_bytes::{Bytes, BytesTrait};
use alexandria_encoding::sol_abi::{SolBytesTrait, SolAbiDecodeTrait};
use starknet::{ContractAddress, eth_address::U256IntoEthAddress, EthAddress};

fn main() {
    let encoded: Bytes = ...

    let mut offset = 0;
    let o1: u8 = encoded.decode(ref offset);
    let o2: u128 = encoded.decode(ref offset);
    let o3: bool = encoded.decode(ref offset);
    let o4: EthAddress = encoded.decode(ref offset);
    let o5: Bytes = SolBytesTrait::<Bytes>::bytes7(encoded.decode(ref offset));

Which decodes bytes formatted like from an encode call.

  1. BytesX

Solidity supports types bytes1, bytes2, ..., and bytes32, which are left-aligned/right-padded byte arrays when encoded.

This module adds the SolBytesTrait wrapper for alexandria_bytes::Bytes, so declaring and using these is easier in Cairo.

Solidity bytes declarations :

bytes3 v1 = 0xabcdef;
bytes32 v2 = 0x101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e1011;
bytes7 v3 = 0x01020304050607;

can be done in Cairo like :

use alexandria_bytes::{Bytes, BytesTrait};
use alexandria_encoding::sol_abi::SolBytesTrait;

let v1: Bytes = SolBytesTrait::bytes3(0xabcdef_u128);
let v2: Bytes = SolBytesTrait::bytes32(0x101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e1011_u256);
let v3: Bytes = SolBytesTrait::bytes7(BytesTrait::new(16, array![0x01020304050607000000000000000000]));


Version 0.5.0

Uploaded 20 hours ago

Cairo version ^2.11.0

Size 15.6 KB


Run the following command in your project dir

scarb add alexandria_encoding@0.5.0

Or add the following line to your Scarb.toml

alexandria_encoding = "0.5.0"

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