alexandria_macros 0.5.0

A set of useful macros



A collection of useful macros.

Add, Sub, Mul, Div derives

These macros add the ability to use addition +, subtraction -, multiplication * and division / operators on the type that derives them. All individual members of the struct must already support a particular operation for a derive to work.

#[derive(Add, Sub, Mul, Div)]
struct Point {
    x: u32,
    y: u32

let a = Point { x: 6, y: 32 };
let b = Point { x: 2, y: 2 };
let c = a + b; // Point { x: 8, y: 34 }
let d = a - b; // Point { x: 4, y: 30 }
let e = a * b; // Point { x: 12, y: 64 }
let f = a / b; // Point { x: 3, y: 16 }

AddAssign, SubAssign, MulAssign, DivAssign derives

These macros add the ability to use add and assign +=, subtract and assign -=, multiply and assign *= and divide and assign /= operators on the type that derives them. All individual members of the struct must already support the particular operation for a derive to work.

#[derive(AddAssign, SubAssign, MulAssign, DivAssign)]
struct Point {
    x: u32,
    y: u32

let mut a = Point { x: 6, y: 32 };
let b = Point { x: 2, y: 2 };
a += b; // Point { x: 8, y: 34 }
a -= b; // Point { x: 6, y: 32 }
a *= b; // Point { x: 12, y: 64 }
a /= b; // Point { x: 6, y: 32 };


Power function. Takes two arguments, x, y, calculates the value of x raised to the power of y.

const MEGABYTE: u64 = pow!(2, 20); // will be set to 1048576

Zero derive

Adds implementation of the core::num::traits::Zero trait.

All members of the struct must already implement the Zero trait.

#[derive(Zero, PartialEq, Debug)]
struct Point {
    x: u64,
    y: u64,
assert_eq!(Point { x: 0, y: 0 }, Zero::zero());
assert!(Point { x: 0, y: 0 }.is_zero());
assert!(Point { x: 1, y: 0 }.is_non_zero());


Version 0.5.0

Uploaded 1 day ago

Cairo version ^2.11.1

Size 4.6 KB


Run the following command in your project dir

scarb add alexandria_macros@0.5.0

Or add the following line to your Scarb.toml

alexandria_macros = "0.5.0"

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