alexandria_numeric 0.3.0
A set of numerical analysis libraries and algorithms
In numerical analysis and scientific computing, the trapezoidal rule is a numerical method to solve ordinary differential equations derived from the trapezoidal rule for computing integrals (see also).
Returns the one-dimensional piecewise linear interpolant to a function with given discrete data points (xs, ys), evaluated at x (see also). Several interpolation methods are supported as follow:
Return the cumulative sum of the elements (see also).
Return the cumulative product of the elements (see also).
Return the discrete difference of the elements (see also).
Version 0.3.0
Uploaded 2 weeks ago
Size 4.6 KB
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scarb add alexandria_numeric@0.3.0
Or add the following line to your Scarb.toml
alexandria_numeric = "0.3.0"