dl_alexandria_storage 0.2.0

Starknet storage utilities




An ordered sequence of values that can be used in Starknet storage:

struct Storage {
    amounts: List<u128>


trait ListTrait<T> {
    fn len(self: @List<T>) -> u32;
    fn is_empty(self: @List<T>) -> bool;
    fn append(ref self: List<T>, value: T) -> u32;
    fn get(self: @List<T>, index: u32) -> Option<T>;
    fn set(ref self: List<T>, index: u32, value: T);
    fn pop_front(ref self: List<T>) -> Option<T>;
    fn array(self: @List<T>) -> Array<T>;

List also implements IndexView so you can use the familiar bracket notation to access its members:

let second = self.amounts.read()[1];

Note that unlike get, using this bracket notation panics when accessing an out of bounds index.

Support for custom types

List supports most of the corelib types out of the box. If you want to store a your own custom type in a List, it has to implement the Store trait. You can have the compiler derive it for you using the #[derive(starknet::Store)] attribute.


There are two idiosyncrasies you should be aware of when using List

  1. The append operation costs 2 storage writes - one for the value itself and another one for updating the List's length
  2. Due to a compiler limitation, it is not possible to use mutating operations with a single inline statement. For example, self.amounts.read().append(42); will not work. You have to do it in 2 steps:
let mut amounts = self.amounts.read();


Version 0.2.0

Uploaded 2 days ago

Size 6.6 KB


Run the following command in your project dir

scarb add dl_alexandria_storage@0.2.0

Or add the following line to your Scarb.toml

dl_alexandria_storage = "0.2.0"

Monthly downloads


Homepage github.com/keep-starknet-strange/alexandria/tree/main/src/storage
