fp 0.1.2

Cairo Fixed Point Arithmetics for your smart-contracts


Cairo Fixed Point Arithmetic

Uses 124 bit for integer part and 128 for fractional and packs everything in one felt252

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This crate was born in an effort to create fixed point datatype for Ekubo Protocol governance. It's specifically taiored to be used in smart-contracts. This library features:

  • Fixed Point datatype that supports operations: multiplication, division, addition and substraction.
  • Data packing and unpacking for smart contract storage.
  • Overflow and underflow checking for all operations.
  • Additional convenince methods for better performance without conversions such as u64 by u128 division method.
  • Conversion from u64, u128 and u256 types.
  • Rounding implementation.

Main type this crate export is:

#[derive(Debug, Drop, Copy, Serde)]
pub struct UFixedPoint124x128 { 
    value: u256

Despite the fact this library don't derive starknet::Store it provides fp::UFixedPoint124x128StorePacking implementation for use in contract storage.


All use-cases are perfectly described by this snippet.

// Basic type import
use fp::{ UFixedPoint124x128 };

// Store packing implementation import
use fp::{ UFixedPoint124x128StorePacking };

// Convenience functions to avoid type conversions
use fp::{

fn main() {
    // Create a fixed point value 1.0
    let one: UFixedPoint124x128 = 1_u64.into();
    // Create a fixed point value 100.0
    let hundred: UFixedPoint124x128 = 100_u64.into();
    // Calculate a fixed point value 0.01
    let one_over_hundred = one / hundred;
    // OR
    let other_example = div_u64_by_u128(1, 100);

    assert_eq!(one_over_hundred, other_example );
    let multiplication_is_supported = one_over_hundred * hundred;
    assert_eq!(multiplication_is_supported, 1_u64.into());
    let two: UFixedPoint124x128 = 2_u64.into();
    let three: UFixedPoint124x128 = 3_u64.into();
    let six: UFixedPoint124x128 = 6_u64.into();
    let one_over_three = one / three;
    let one_over_six = one / six;

    // PartialEq is implemented, values are equal if they are close enough.
    // Difference is less than 1 / 2^124
    assert_eq!(one_over_three, one_over_six * two);

This crate also provides additional method for UFixedPoint124x128 type through public UFixedPoint124x128Impl which implements UFixedPointTrait.

// Additional methods implementation
use fp::{ UFixedPoint124x128Impl };

UFixedPoint124x128Impl implements UFixedPointTrait 

trait UFixedPointTrait {
    // Returns integer part of the fixed point value
    fn get_integer(self: UFixedPoint124x128) -> u128;

    // Returns fractional part of the fixed point value
    fn get_fractional(self: UFixedPoint124x128) -> u128;
    // Rounds fixed point and returns integer part. 0.5 is rounded up.
    fn round(self: UFixedPoint124x128) -> u128;


[WIP] but feel free to open issue, discuss it with me and submit PR upon assignment.


Love and piece, dude. Hope it was useful.


Version 0.1.2

Uploaded 1 day ago

License MIT-3.0

Size 171.3 KB


Run the following command in your project dir

scarb add fp@0.1.2

Or add the following line to your Scarb.toml

fp = "0.1.2"

Monthly downloads


Repository github.com/carbonable-labs/carbon-protocol-v3

Documentation github.com/baitcode/cairo-fixed-point-arithmetic


  • starknet
  • fixed point
  • math
  • division
  • smart contracts
