wadray 0.5.0

Fixed-point decimal numbers for Cairo


WadRay library for Cairo

This library implements two types of fixed-point decimal numbers, "wad" (18 decimals of precision) and "ray" (27 decimals of decimal numbers), available in signed (SignedWad and SignedRay) and unsigned (Wad and Ray) versions, written in Cairo for Starknet.

Wad and Ray are implemented as structs with a single u128 member for the value, while SignedWad and SignedRay are implemented as structs with a u128 member for the value and bool member for the sign (i.e. if the sign is true, then the value is negative).


This library includes arithmetic, comparison and conversion functions.


Addition and Subtraction

Addition and subtraction can be performed via the Add, AddEq, Sub and SubEq traits as follows:

  • a + b
  • a += b
  • a - b
  • a -= b

where both a and b are of the same type.

Multiplication and Division

Multiplication and division can be performed via the the Mul, MulEq, Div and DivEq traits as follows:

  • a * b
  • a *= b
  • a / b
  • a /= b where both a and b are of the same type.

There is also a set of functions for operations involving a Wad and a Ray:

  • wmul_wr/wmul_rw: Multiply a Wad value with a Ray value, and divide the product by one Wad scale to return a Ray
  • wdiv_rw: Scale up a Ray value by one Wad scale and divide the scaled value by a Wad value to return a Ray
  • rmul_wr/rmul_rw: Multiply a Wad value with a Ray value, and divide the product by one Ray scale to return a Wad
  • rdiv_wr: Scale up a Wad value by one Ray scale and divide the scaled value by a Ray to return a Wad
  • rdiv_ww: Scale up a Wad value by one Ray scale and divide the scaled value by a Wad to return a Ray

For multiplication, the prefixes w and r denote whether the product is divided (i.e. scaled down) by a Wad or Ray respectively. For division, the prefixes w and r denote whether the first operand is multiplied (i.e. scaled up) by a Wad or Ray before the division respectively.

As these are fixed point operations, do take note that there will be a loss of precision.

Zero and one values

The following values and functions for both Wad and Ray, and SignedWad and SignedRay, are available via the Zeroable and Oneable traits.

  • WadZeroable::zero()/RayZeroable::zero(): Returns the zero value for Wad and Ray respectively
  • is_zero(): Returns true if the Wad or Ray value is zero
  • is_non_zero() Returns true if the Wad or Ray value is not zero
  • WadOneable::one()/RayOneable::one(): Returns the scale value for Wad (i.e. 1018) and Ray (i.e. 1027) respectively
  • is_one(): Returns true if the Wad or Ray value is the scale value (i.e. 1018 and 1027 respectively)
  • is_non_one() Returns true if the Wad or Ray value is not the scale value (i.e. 1018 and 1027 respectively)
  • SignedWadZeroable::zero()/SignedRayZeroable::zero(): Returns the zero value for Wad and Ray respectively
  • is_zero(): Returns true if the SignedWad or SignedRay value is zero, regardless of the sign.
  • is_non_zero() Returns true if the SignedWad or SignedRay value is not zero
  • SignedWadOneable::one()/SignedRayOneable::one(): Returns the positive scale value for "wad" (i.e. 1018) and "ray" (i.e. 1027) respectively
  • is_one(): Returns true if the SignedWad or SignedRay value is the positive scale value (i.e. 1018 and 1027 respectively)
  • is_non_one() Returns true if the SignedWad or SignedRay value is not the positive scale value (i.e. 1018 and 1027 respectively)
Bound values

The bound values for both Wad and Ray can be obtained via the BoundedInt trait.

  • BoundedWad::max(): Returns the maximum Wad value of 2128 - 1
  • BoundedWad::min(): Returns the minimum Wad value of 0
  • BoundedRay::max(): Returns the maximum Ray value of 2128 - 1
  • BoundedRay::min(): Returns the minimum Ray value of 0


Comparison for both Wad and Ray, and SignedWad and SignedRay, can be performed via the PartialEq and PartialOrd traits as follows:

  • a == b
  • a != b
  • a > b
  • a >= b
  • a < b
  • a <= b

where both a and b are of the same type.


Type Casting

Any type that can be converted to a u128 via the Into trait can similarly be converted to a Wad or Ray via the Into trait.

Additionally, the following conversions from integer types are supported for SignedWad and SignedRay via the Into trait`:

  • u128 -> SignedWad: Convert a u128 to a SignedWad without modifying the value, with the sign set to false
  • u128 -> SignedRay: Convert a u128 to a SignedRay without modifying the value, with the sign set to false

The following conversions from this library's types can also be performed via the Into trait:

  • Wad -> felt252: Convert a Wad to a felt252 without modifying the value
  • Wad -> u256: Convert a Wad to a u256 without modifying the value
  • Wad -> SignedWad: Convert a Wad to a SignedWad without modifying the value, with the sign set to false
  • Ray -> SignedRay: Convert a Ray to a SignedRay without modifying the value, with the sign set to false
  • SignedWad -> felt252: Convert a SignedWad to a felt252 without modifying the value
  • SignedRay -> felt252: Convert a SignedRay to a felt252 without modifying the value

The following conversions can be performed via the TryInto trait:

  • u256 -> Option::<Wad>: Returns Option::Some<Wad> if the value is within bounds of u128 or Option::None otherwise
  • SignedWad -> Option::<Wad>: Returns Option::Some<Wad> if sign is false or Option::None otherwise
  • SignedRay -> Option::<Ray>: Returns Option::Some<Ray> if sign is false or Option::None otherwise

The following functions can be used to scale between Wad and Ray:

  • fn ray_to_wad(x: Ray) -> Wad: Divide the Ray value by 109 and return a Wad
  • fn wad_to_ray(x: Wad) -> Option::<Ray>: Multiply the Wad value by 109 and return Option::Some<Ray> if there is no overflow or Option::None otherwise
Additional notes on conversion between Wad and Ray Overview

Starting from v0.5.0 of this library, we have made significant changes to how Wad values are converted to Ray values and vice versa. This aims to improve type safety and align with the semantics of Rust's Into trait.

Key Changes
  1. Previously, Into<Wad, Ray> scaled the value by 109 while Into<Ray, Wad> scaled the value by 10-9. Both now perform direct type cast without value modification
  2. Introduced wad_to_ray() and ray_to_wad() functions for value-preserving conversions
Recommended Usage
  1. Prefer wad_to_ray() and ray_to_wad() for most conversions between Wad and Ray.
  2. Use the Into trait only when a simple type cast is required (expected to be rare).


The following functions are available for SignedWad and SignedRay via the Signed trait:

  • is_negative(): Returns true if the value is less than zero
  • is_positive(): Returns true if the value is greater than zero


To use this library, add the repository as a dependency in your Scarb.toml:

wadray = "0.5.0"

then add the following line in your .cairo file

use wadray::Wad;

fn add_wad(a: Wad, b: Wad) -> Wad {
    a + b

You can also refer to the test file src/test_wadray.cairo for another example.



Run tests

To run the tests:

scarb test

Formal Verification

This library has been formally verified using our tool Aegis. Specifications and their correctness proof can be found in this repository, the verification currently refers to revision 30f7664 of this repo.


We welcome contributions of any kind! Please feel free to submit an issue or open a PR if you have a solution to an existing bug.


This library is released under the MIT License.


Version 0.5.0

Uploaded 3 months ago

Size 12.2 KB


Run the following command in your project dir

scarb add wadray@0.5.0

Or add the following line to your Scarb.toml

wadray = "0.5.0"

Monthly downloads


Repository github.com/lindy-labs/wadray


  • fixed-point
  • wad
  • ray
  • cairo
  • starknet
